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Yvonne Smith |
Jose Escamilla is well-known as the discoverer of flying "rods," originally called "Roswell rods," but known to most people as "insects." At this event, Escamilla was talking about his latest discoveries and film project, involving Moon conspiracies. Our moon, he explains, is not a grey-colored object as we have been led to believe. Our moon is a full color body, but NASA has only released black-and-white photos of it. However, an amateur astronomer in Texas named Bill Bryson has been able, using his telescope and a $68 Chinese-made camera, to reveal our moon in all its full-color glory. Escamilla has finally completed his movie about the moon's hidden colors, available at www.theCELESTIALmovie.com. It blows the lid off NASA's conspiracies to hide huge artificial structures, including pyramids and statues, on the moon.
Escamilla did not say this at the MUFON meeting, but other sources suggest that both Bryson and Escamilla are claiming that the moon has an atmosphere, water, and vegetation - hence, the "colors" that NASA is covering up!
Steve Colbern is the Chief Scientist at Applied Silicone, and also at Alien and Scalpel Research. I wrote about the latter in my posting about the International UFO Congress near Phoenix in February:
One vendor doing a great business was A&S, "Alien and Scalpel Research," promising "scientific analysis of alien implants and UFO crash debris." I do not know how much they are charging to "scan" a person for alien implants, but I heard complaints from those who signed up about the long wait. One woman described to me her experience with A&S: they took her into the little tent at right, and "scanned" her several times with different electronic instruments. They found three implants. They also told her that she was an alien hybrid, but also had 'angelic" DNA as well. I am truly amazed at what science can learn these days.
Colbern (behind table) facilitates implant-viewing, $2 a pop |
Returning to Smith's earlier comment about Ron Noel's alleged alien implant, Colbern added that it was made of carbon nanotubes. The aliens use nanotechnology extensively. Implants are typically 3-4 mm long, and 1 mm diameter. Leir added, from the audience, that their magnetic decay occurs over about six weeks after their removal. The isotopic ratios in the implants, according to Colbern, indicate that the objects probably originate about 30,000 light years away, near the center of the galaxy.
Jordan Maxwell, Costa Mesa, CA, 2012 |
Jordan Maxwell is a jolly sort of fellow who uses simple, folksy arguments to reach startling conclusions. He informed us that we Americans are still living under a system of government and religion that is “Druidic” in origin, and we are still being ruled by England. All of our law is based on maritime admiralty law. Because you were born from the water breaking in your mother’s womb, under maritime admiralty law this makes you a maritime “product.” We think we are American citizens, but in reality all of us “belong” (literally) to the United States, which is a foreign-owned corporation set up in 1868. When your mother signed your birth certificate, this gave ownership of you to the U.S. corporation. Our birth certificates are traded on the stock exchange, where they serve as collateral for the U.S. corporation’s loans from international bankers. (It’s odd, I have looked at many stock quotes over the years, but have yet to see my birth certificate listed.) Originally sold for $630,000, our birth certificates are now worth more than $1 million each. If you look at your name as it appears on official documents, you will find that it is always in capital letters, just like the letters on a tombstone. This indicates that you are dead, under the law: you belong to them.Maxwell told MUFON that the US government is not actually a government, but a privately-owned company. He was selling a CD for $10 containing the most amazing information that would change your whole life. However, you had to pay $10 to find out what it was.
There is a way to remedy this, of course, and “repatriate” yourself to become a citizen of “America” instead of a product belonging to the “United States.” You can also get your true name back, using both uppercase and lowercase letters. Among the advantages will be that you do not have to pay income taxes, and are no longer subject to the jurisdiction of the courts. Maxwell and his pals can help you to do this, but (as did not come out until the second day) it’s going to cost you. His “repatriation” package sells for a mere $995. A “mortgage cancellation” package costs $1,200, a true bargain considering the size of mortgages here in California. But not all his services are so expensive. Monetary judgments can be set aside for a mere $125.
Dubious etymology is a specialty of Maxwell’s. For example, the Christian worship of God’s “son,” who is risen, is clearly derived from Roman worship of the “sun,” which rises each morning. Son-sun, he repeats, it’s obvious. (Can his audience truly be so simplistic to believe that these words would sound the same to speakers of Latin, Greek, or Hebrew?) “Christ” is really “cristo” or “crisco,” which means “oil,” not anointed. The “Lord,” originally spelled “Lard,” is simply congealed “crisco.” Passover is when the sun “passes over” the equator which marks the beginning of spring.
Maxwell said that according to the Bible, not God but The Gods created ADM, not Adam. Many people were already here. The "powers that be" on this world are not humans like us, but they just look like us when they want to. An alien presence is here, manipulating us unseen.
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Anne and Whitley Strieber |
He started to draw it out - and then the impossible happened. The thing moved, and not just slightly. Despite the fact that it had appeared so fixed in place that he thought it must be embedded in the cartilage, it became mobile and slid under the skin from the top of my ear down into my earlobe.At this point, the doctor "pulled out and stitched up the wound." (quotes from Chapter 5). Sometime later, the implant returned to its original location, where it supposedly remains today.
Whitley told MUFON that for a time he was worried that the implant might turn him into a robotic spokesman for "them." No scientist is willing to investigate his alleged implant, he said. (Perhaps we can locate a scientist or two willing and able to do the task?) The government fears the disclosure of implants, because it would reveal their impotence in dealing with The Visitors. Implants, Whitley speculated, may be intended to be found, to prevent Disclosure; governments cannot afford to admit that this invasive intrusion is occurring, and cannot be prevented.
Anne Strieber read several accounts of "experiences" that people had sent it to them. Most of these stories involved "implants."
In response to a question about Budd Hopkins (with whom Strieber briefly cooperated, then split from), he replied "Budd Hopkins was not friendly to me," explaining that it was apparently because of their very different perspectives on the alleged phenomenon. (Hopkins, by reputation, was friendly only to those who never questioned anything he said.) The late Phil Klass attributed their split to the fact that you can't have two Queen Bees in a hive; each wanted to be the Big Cheese, and so they had to split. As for his son, who was allegedly abducted by The Visitors as a child, Strieber said that the son, now married and a father, has no interest in "the visitors" at all, and does not want the subject brought up.
Whitley Strieber's left ear |
Another view of Strieber's ear |
The last speaker was the guest of honor, Dr. Roger Leir. He spoke about how science is ignoring all this great evidence he has of alien implants. He also added that, during his recent surgery, he had an out-of-body experience.
So concluded a day of great weirdness, and a good time was had by all.
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