On my website
http://www.debunker.com, I have recently began scanning and posting PDF files of some of the more
significant correspondence and other historical documents in my private collection. (That's one reason I haven't posted much here recently). These papers involve such well-known UFOlogists and UFO witnesses as Philip J. Klass, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. James E. McDonald, Dr. Carl Sagan, Dr. Thornton Page, Dr. David Jacobs, Lonnie Zamora, Capt. Lawrence Coyne, etc. I first began corresponding with Philip J. Klass in 1968, and we stayed in touch until his death in 2005.
Klass' papers were then donated to the American Philosophical Society, where they can be requested by researchers willing to travel to Philadelphia to see them, or to pay the associated fees to have copies sent. My intention is to post all of the most significant UFO related papers, especially Klass' "White Papers," on my website.
Philip J. Klass |
At present, here are some of the more interesting and significant papers:
- My paper recounting a talk that the famed UFOlogist J. Allen Hynek gave at Northwestern in 1969 as "freshman orientation."
- While I was at Northwestern in 1970, Dr. J. Allen Hynek allowed me to read a chapter of the book he was working on, The UFO Experience. Here are my comments to him about it, Hynek's reply, Klass' comment on it, and the note Hynek inserted in his book to answer my critique.
- Klass' highly-controversial "White Papers" about atmospheric physicist and UFO proponent Dr. James E. McDonald (1968). Many pro-UFOlogists have accused Klass of unfairly 'hounding' the poor Dr. McDonald (most notably, Anne Druffel in her book Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science), implying that Klass had a role in driving McDonald to his tragic suicide in 1971. For the first time, Klass' own papers on the subject are now available to researchers.
- Klass' letter to "Plasmarians" complaining about the pro-ETI 'stacked deck' of the forthcoming AAAS-sponsored UFO Symposium in Boston (Nov. 18, 1969). Note that Klass includes Carl Sagan among the pro-ETI panelists. This is not a mistake. In testimony to the 1968 hearings before the U.S. House Committee on Science and Astronautics, Carl Sagan said: "I might mention that, on this symposium, there are no individuals who strongly disbelieve in the extraterrestrial origin of UFO's and therefore there is a certain view, not necessarily one I strongly agree with -- but there is a certain view this committee is not hearing today, along those lines."
- Klass' talk to the Maryland Seminar on Science and Technology, UFOs, "N-Rays" and Pathological Science (Dec. 18, 1969). Discusses Blondlot, Hynek, Socorro, James E. McDonald, Heflin, Father Gill, Trent.
- The Socorro UFO Case, and its "Multiplying Multiple Tourist Witnesses" (Aug. 29, 1976). Examines inconsistencies in the claim that one or more unnamed tourists also witnessed the UFO allegedly seen by Officer Lonnie Zamora in Socorro on April 24, 1964.
- Capt. Lawrence Coyne's Views on UFOs and his own experience before he and his crew won the "National Enquirer" best case award of $5,000 (Dec. 31, 1976). There's nothing like fame and money to cement a UFO witness' story.
- PJK critiques of Hynek's perceived inconsistencies (1975-83). Hynek's ever-changing "UFO Invariant."
There will be more papers to follow, that I will post as time permits
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