You just couldn't make this up: For the past few years I have been reporting from time to time on the absurd claims of a group of UFOlog...

You just couldn't make this up: For the past few years I have been reporting from time to time on the absurd claims of a group of UFOlog...
On my website , I have recently began scanning and posting PDF files of some of the more significant correspondence ...
When the Obama administration launched its "We the People" petition program , they probably never expected to get a petition like ...
On March 13, 1997 the Phoenix Lights became a sensational UFO story, when bright, slowly-falling lights were seen in the sky across the Phoe...
The alleged "UFO abduction" of Betty and Barney Hill on Sept. 19, 1961 was the first such report of its kind in the United States,...
From my column Psychic Vibrations in the Skeptical Inquirer, Volume 28.4, July / August 2004 Toutatis Threatens Totally Heads up—the ...
It's coming up in just a few weeks: the first CSI(COP) conference in several years, to be held in New Orleans on Oct. 27-30: http://www....
Sorry to disappoint those who were expecting Mayhem and Destruction from puny Comet Elenin this fall. However, Sky and Telescope magazine h...
On Thursday, August 25 the History Channel premiered a UFO documentary titled "Special Access - UFOs On The Record." It was based ...
Hilary Evans, a leading British Fortean author and researcher of “marginal human experiences,” died on July 27, 2011. He was the author of m...
The famous UFO Abductionist Budd Hopkins succumbed to cancer in New York City on August 21, at the age of eighty ( http://www.intrudersfound...
Just Published! My first new book in 13 years: Psychic Vibrations - Skeptical Giggles from the Skeptical Inquirer. So new that the review c...
The Sunday afternoon session started off with Major George A. Filer (USAF Retired), MUFON's Eastern Regional Director, who says he worke...
(See Lee Speigel's Huffington Post article on the MUFON Symposium ) The next speaker Sunday morning was Ted Loder, PhD, Professor Emeri...
Following John Alexander, I forgot to mention Joe McMoneagle's talk, titled "How Will Full Contact Impact our Science and Society....
I'd say that the most interesting talk was the first one on Saturday afternoon, retired Army Colonel Dr. John Alexander. He is among the...
MUFON's 2011 International Symposium was held in Irvine, California, not so far from where I live in San Diego County, after several ye...
For more than twenty years, UFO believers have been citing the 1989-1990 wave of UFO sightings in Belgium as an unexplained mystery. For a p...