The official World Premiere of the movie Sirius , directed by the Emmy-award winning Amardeep Kaleka and based upon the claims of UFO celeb...
UFO Sightings Debunker Claims UFOs Are Not Real!
On Friday, March 22 I did an internet radio interview with the pro-UFO site Third Phase of Moon, the largest UFO-related channel on Youtube ...
UFOs in the Desert, Part 5 (final)
Sunday was the fifth and final day of the 2013 International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Arizona, the largest UFO conference in the worl...
UFOs in the Desert, Part 4
Saturday was the fourth day of the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Arizona, the largest UFO conference in the world. My previo...
UFOs In the Desert, Part 3.
Friday was the third day of the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Arizona, the largest UFO conference in the world. My previous ...
UFOs In the Desert, Part 2
Thursday was the second day of the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Arizona , the largest UFO conference in the world. My previ...
UFOs In the Desert, Part 1
For the second year in a row, I find myself at the International UFO Congress near Phoenix, Arizona. Last year I wrote a detailed five-part...