On Thursday, August 25 the History Channel premiered a UFO documentary titled "Special Access - UFOs On The Record." It was based ...
Hilary Evans (1929-2011) Fortean author, "PsychoSocial" Theorist
Hilary Evans, a leading British Fortean author and researcher of “marginal human experiences,” died on July 27, 2011. He was the author of m...
Budd Hopkins (1931-2011) - Pioneering UFO Abductionist
The famous UFO Abductionist Budd Hopkins succumbed to cancer in New York City on August 21, at the age of eighty ( http://www.intrudersfound...
Just Published! My "Psychic Vibrations" - Skeptical Giggles from the Skeptical Inquirer
Just Published! My first new book in 13 years: Psychic Vibrations - Skeptical Giggles from the Skeptical Inquirer. So new that the review c...
A Skeptic does the MUFON Symposium - Part 5 of 5
The Sunday afternoon session started off with Major George A. Filer (USAF Retired), MUFON's Eastern Regional Director, who says he worke...
A Skeptic does the MUFON Symposium - Part 4 of 5
(See Lee Speigel's Huffington Post article on the MUFON Symposium ) The next speaker Sunday morning was Ted Loder, PhD, Professor Emeri...
A Skeptic does the MUFON Symposium - Part 3
Following John Alexander, I forgot to mention Joe McMoneagle's talk, titled "How Will Full Contact Impact our Science and Society....
A Skeptic does the MUFON Symposium - Part 2
I'd say that the most interesting talk was the first one on Saturday afternoon, retired Army Colonel Dr. John Alexander. He is among the...
A Skeptic does the MUFON Symposium - Part 1
MUFON's 2011 International Symposium was held in Irvine, California, not so far from where I live in San Diego County, after several ye...